The Prophet's Model was Never to Fight Unnecessarily

If you become provoked, disturbed, then what happens? Your constructive thinking will halt. You won't have a positive mindset. You won't be able to do wise planning. Where there is no constructive thinking and positive mindset, wise planning cannot happen. The Prophet's entire life is an example of wise planning in every matter.

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The biggest thing in life is that no situation should disturb you. You will always face situations which are unpleasant for you. God has given freedom to all. People will not ask you before using their freedom. If there is freedom, there will also be misuse of freedom. There will always be conditions you do not like. If you become provoked, disturbed, then what happens? Your constructive thinking will halt. You won't have a positive mindset. You won't be able to do wise planning. Where there is no constructive thinking and positive mindset, wise planning cannot happen. The Prophet's entire life is an example of wise planning in every matter. In entire history, there was not a single person who did such wise planning. Historians, for example, Dr Michael Hart, have acknowledged this fact about the Prophet. Dr Hart has placed the Prophet at the top of all super achievers of history. 

What was the secret behind this success? The Prophet was 100% complex-free. He lived in thoughts of God. He had made everything 'other than God' secondary. The Prophet had high thinking. This is why he could always engage in wise planning. During 13 years in Makkah, people troubled the Prophet greatly. There was a tribal parliament called Dar al-Nadwah in Makkah. The Dar al-Nadwah decided with consensus to kill the Prophet. What did the Prophet do?

At that time, the Prophet had more than hundred Companions from Makkah and nearby cities. The Prophet could have decided to fight. Then he could have gathered all of his Companions to fight with his opponents. But then the history of Islam would have come to an end. Islam had begun in Makkah and would have come to an end there itself. These same Companions of the Prophet went on to make a history for Islam later on. Every single Companion of the Prophet was a hero. Had the Prophet fought, Islamic history would have been buried in Makkah itself. We would have not received the truth today. The Prophet adopted a super strategy. He migrated from Makkah and went to Madinah. It was not the Prophet's model to fight unnecessarily and get oneself killed. 

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